Nestled at the corner of a building on La Grange Avenue in the bustling culinary paradise of Sawtelle, CA, Coco Ichibanya stands as a beacon of comforting Japanese cuisine. As one of the chain Japanese restaurants lining the streets of Sawtelle, Coco Ichibanya boasts a rich history that has earned it a place in the hearts of many food enthusiasts.

A Taste of Tradition
To appreciate Coco Ichibanya’s culinary allure fully, it’s essential to delve into its history. Coco Ichibanya has a storied past that traces its roots back to Japan, where it began as a small curry house in 1978. Over the years, it expanded its footprint, both in Japan and abroad, to become a beloved chain of restaurants celebrated for its delicious curry dishes. This rich heritage is evident in the authentic flavors that grace every plate served at Coco Ichibanya.

A Symphony of Choices
One of the key draws of Coco Ichibanya is its customizable approach to curry rice. The menu offers a variety of combinations that allow you to craft your perfect meal. From choosing your protein—be it chicken or pork cutlet—to adjusting the level of spiciness, and even adding vegetables or additional toppings, the options are plenty.

During my recent visit, I was tempted by the Omelette over Rice with Pork Cutlet Curry, and I must say, it was a choice that did not disappoint.

A Feast for the Senses
This particular dish was a feast for both the eyes and the palate. The omelette, delicate and beautifully cooked, adorned a bed of perfectly steamed rice. What truly set this dish apart was the Pork Cutlet Curry.

The pork cutlet was a masterpiece of texture and taste. The outer coating was expertly fried to a golden, crunchy perfection, creating a tantalizing contrast to the succulent meat within. With each bite, you could savor the tender, flavorful pork encased in its crispy shell, providing a harmonious balance of crunch and tenderness.

But the magic didn’t stop there. The curry sauce was a symphony of spices and flavors. It was rich, aromatic, and deeply satisfying. The level of spiciness was spot on, adding a subtle heat that built with each mouthful, making each bite an adventure in taste.


So, whether you’re an avid fan of curry or simply a connoisseur of delicious food, Coco Ichibanya is a culinary adventure that promises to leave a lasting impression. The next time you’re in Sawtelle, indulge in the heartwarming flavors of Coco Ichibanya, and let your taste buds embark on a journey of unforgettable sensations.