In the world of fitness, intensity often goes hand in hand with high-speed running, heart-pounding sprints, and strenuous workouts that leave you breathless. But actually, you can achieve a remarkable workout without ever breaking into a run. Enter the incline walking workout on the treadmill – a low-impact, high-intensity alternative that will challenge your muscles, boost your cardiovascular endurance, and shed some pounds.

Unveiling the Incline Secret

I was having a conversation with my friends about my fitness journey, and suddenly, one of them brought up how an incline walking workout had helped him lose 20 pounds. This workout gained prominence, earning viral status in 2020 and retaining its status as a highly sought-after exercise regimen on various social media platforms to this day. They coined it the “12-3-30 workout,” and the concept is elegantly simple: set the treadmill incline to a steep level – in this case, he chose a challenging 12 – and maintain a consistent speed of 3 miles per hour. While this may initially sound like a leisurely stroll, don’t be fooled – the incline is the true game-changer here.

The Workouts that Packs a Punch

So I began to test this out at a nearby gym and started my 30-minute incline walking session. To be honest, I actually feel pretty good about this exercise. The gradual incline forces your legs, glutes, and core to engage with every step, mimicking the effort required for hill climbing. The pace might seem moderate, but the resistance provided by the incline turns it into a full-body workout that’s both efficient and effective.

Photo by Sven Mieke from Unsplash

The Benefits of Incline Walking

One of the most notable benefits of incline walking lies in its low-impact nature, making it a gentle option for joints while delivering exceptional results. This approach engages your lower body muscles comprehensively—your calves, hamstrings, quads, and glutes all collaborate harmoniously to conquer the incline.

Mental Focus and Stamina

What surprised me most was the mental element of this workout. The sustained effort required to walk uphill at a steady pace challenged my mental focus and stamina. It’s a reminder that intensity isn’t solely about speed – it’s about pushing through discomfort, staying committed, and embracing the burn.

Furthermore, research indicates that walking boasts a myriad of health advantages, ranging from reducing anxiety and depression to combatting aspects of aging, like the risk of dementia, and notably enhancing the performance of vital internal organs such as the heart.

Photo by Bruno Nascimento from Unsplash

Take the Challenge

If you’re looking to switch up your workout routine, the incline walking workout on the treadmill is really something that you can look into. It’s a challenge that anyone can undertake, regardless of fitness level. Adjust the incline level to one that feels steep for you, set a moderate pace, and walk for a designated time – whether it’s 30 minutes or even more. Feel the burn in your muscles, experience the elevation of your heart rate, and relish in the sense of accomplishment that comes with conquering the incline.

Honestly, I would include the 12-3-30 workout as a fundamental aspect of my fitness regimen. It serves as a reminder that fitness takes on diverse forms, and occasionally, all that’s necessary is an incline, a steady pace, and the determination to enhance your workout routine.